How to Protect your Hardwood Floors this Winter

In between family visits, setting up holiday decorations, and shopping for your loved ones, it can be easy to forget all of the TLC needed by our hardwood floors. As family members and guests shuffle in and out of your home, their shoes are tracking snow, salt and mud onto your floors. If left untreated, your floors will erode over time. It’s a snowball effect (pardon the winter pun)!
Since we care deeply about your floors and their ability to last through the ages, we’ve compiled some great tips on caring for your hardwood floors this winter.
The warm welcome mat outside of your front door is not enough
It’s a great start, but it doesn’t end there. Place an old area rug, outdoor rug, or shoe mat inside of the door just as people are walking into your home. Encourage them to stamp their boots or shoes out and place them in the waterproof container you’ve placed right next to the door. Make sure the container is large enough to hold all of your family’s shoes to avoid your loved ones carrying their shoes around, dripping snow or mud all over your floors as they look for a space to place them.
Invest in a nice humidifier
Hardwood floors contract and expand in response to changes in the indoor air quality. As heaters are turned on this winter, your home will become a bit more humid, resulting in expanded creaks in the floors. If you don’t already have one, invest in a humidifier for your home. An added bonus? Not only will your floors be more stable, but your family will breathe easier in the moist air!
Give your floors a deep cleaning in the beginning of the season
Before all of your guests begin entering your home with muddy boots, give your floors a deep cleaning. The initial cleaning removes existing debris and dirt to avoid build-up over time. Start by clearing your floor space, dry-mop or vacuum the floor, and then mop with just a damp mop and mild dish washing liquid. Dry, or buff, the floor with a cloth. Repeat these steps as necessary throughout the season; the less time dirt has been accruing on your floors, the better off your floors will be!
To remove salt from hardwood floors, sweep the floors first. Then, mix a bucket with warm water and white vinegar. Take a sponge, dip it into the vinegar mixture, and wring it out. Sponge the salt away, wiping the area with a clean, dampened cloth. Dry your floors with a towel and voila!
For more cleaning tips for your floors, click here to watch our maintenance video!
Consider other flooring alternatives
Laminate flooring can be just as beautiful as natural hard-wood floors without the significant cost or maintenance attached! Carpetland USA has a wide variety of laminate flooring options for every style and budget.
For more ideas on getting your home, and your floors, ready for winter, follow our Holiday Happiness board on Pinterest!

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