What is Resilient Flooring?

Want flooring that can withstand heavy traffic for years to come? Here’s our top 3 resilient floors that achieve beauty and durability.

Debunking Common Flooring Myths

Before you start your next home improvement project, it is important to have all the up-to-date information when it comes to flooring. There are many common misconceptions when it comes to various flooring installation methods. It is time to debunk these myths so your home project can get started correctly! Flooring Myth #1 – Hardwood […]

Shoe Lovers: Here’s Why Shoes Off Inside is Best

What’s your primary reason for loving fall? Are you on Team Pumpkin Spice or maybe Team Great New Fall Boots? If you land on Team Great New Fall Boots, chances are you’re sporting those hot new kicks at home, at work and on the town. So, think of all of the ‘stuff’ your Great New […]

Interior Design Trends To Watch

sept blog interior design trends to watch

What interior design trends are our senses currently drawn to in 2022? For starters, several homeowners are attracted to the earthy color of brown, displayed in fabrics, walls, and flooring. Others gravitate more towards nature-inspired design elements and accents. What do these trends all have in common? The sense of a warm and welcoming environment. […]

New Year, New Floors

shaw laminate kings cove iconic brown

Explore the Flooring Trends of 2022 A new year means a fresh start for you and your home. Refresh your interior design this year with 2022’s flooring trends. As we enter the new year, let’s reflect on what flooring trends were popular in 2021. Last year was a great year for faux flooring. Many homeowners […]

Caring for your Floors in the Winter

residential flooring hardwood

Do not wait until the first snow to start your preparation for winter! There are many quick and easy ways to protect your floors from ice and snow and it is never too early to start. First, try to dust and vacuum a few times per week to fight dust mites.  Dust mites are at […]

Best Flooring for your Lifestyle

dog bed wood floor

There are many variables to consider when picking out the best flooring for your lifestyle. Make sure to weigh your options before selecting your flooring because they all have their pros and cons based on your budget, high or low traffic, and who lives in your home. 1. Environmentally Friendly Are you looking to reduce […]

2019 Flooring Trends

blonde wood

The new year is upon us meaning new trends are on the rise for 2019. Some of these trends have stayed consistent, with the big focus this year focused on ease and ethics. Everyone is busy and having to spend hours on your floor is not how you want to spend your day. Conversely, people […]

Stun the In-Laws with Your Home Style

Holiday season brings family and friends over to your house for celebration! But oh no, the in-laws are coming, which means you need to spruce your place up. Get your house ready to impress with some of these ideas to showcase your holiday style! Holiday décor is the best way to show your in-laws you […]